paediatric & cranial osteopathy
This is a specialist type of osteopathy that uses gentle techniques specifically for treating babies and children. Our paediatric osteopath looks beyond conditions and take a holistic approach to a patient, using manual techniques to restore, maintain and support health and wellbeing. No single osteopathic technique is used when treating the paediatric patient – all relevant modalities that are gentle enough for babies and children are considered.
Our paediatric osteopath can also help as your child grows and moves through their stages of development. Their bodies undergo many rapid changes and whilst most adapt, sometimes problems relating to growth spurts, hormonal imbalance, stresses and strains don’t resolve naturally, so a qualified osteopath can help with some of the problems associated with these conditions.
Paediatric osteopaths are specially trained and highly skilled, having undergone additional post-graduate training.
our Paediatric Osteopath can help if your baby is struggling with:
Issues from birthing trauma
Unsettled behaviour
General irritability
Muscle spasms
Sleeping difficulties
Excess mucous
Feeding difficulties
Problems latching on
Excessive crying
Digestive problems
Our Osteopaths can also help during growth and development:
Growth spurts
Sinus/dental/jaw problems
Headaches & migraine pain
Ear infections
Sports injuries
Joint pains
Growing pains
Puberty & hormonal problems
“An osteopath is an engineer of the human body.”